Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday October 22, 2010

The temperature was 33 when I got up at 0710. I layered up and headed to the MAC. I did 30 minutes of aerobics, my abs and balancing exercises but have not yet been able to do pushups or pull-ups. My goal is to be able to get back 100% on the pushups and pull-ups by Christmas. I got to the Kava House at 1055. I have to hurry today because I have to take Ms P to the beauty shop by 1230. I got Ms P on time and she did not seem nervous. I came home and took a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy is having lunch with Linda Moleski today. She got home about 1330 in time for us to pick up Ms P. As soon as we got Ms P we headed to Costco to buy some supplies. We purchased peanut butter, dishwasher soap, vitamins, pizza and cereal. I also bought some Guinness beer.

I took a short nap and then we headed to Russ' for dinner. I had the meatloaf dinner and Nancy had the chicken dinner. With the coupon we our bill was $7.00. We were planning on stopping at Kohl's and then Woodland Mall.

At Kohl's we had picked out our purchases and were ready to check out when Nancy called my name and then she fainted. She hit her head on the concrete floor real bad. She was out about 20 seconds. I could feel the huge bump on her head. She said she was ok and she walked to the car while I checked out. When we got home I gave her some aspirins and took her blood pressure. We talked about going to Emergency and I called her sister, Peg, to get her opinion. She said go to Emergency. We drove to Blodgett's Emergency because it is so close. They booked her in quickly and then they started a series of tests. Ekg, blood, etc. All tests were okay. They think that Nancy was dehydrated and this caused the fainting. We left Blodgett a little after midnight.

The folks at Blodgett said because of the head injury I should check on Nancy every 90 minutes. I set the alarm on my phone and checked as directed. We also changed the ice pad at this time. The night went fine and we will prevail. God Bless!

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