Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday October 26, 2010

I got up at 0630. A tornado watch was in effect throughout the area. Several schools were closed including EGR. The weatherman said that we would be having intermittent rain and high winds all day today. I drove the C2 to the MAC. It did not seem so bad, weather wise, and I was thinking I should have taken the bike. However, it was really pouring when I was ready to leave the MAC. In fact I had to wait about 20 minutes for the rain to subside. When I drive to the Kava House I can only stay 60 minutes. The parking meters only have a 60 minute limit. The City has been giving out a lot of tickets in Eastown. This must be a way to raise money.

I got home about 1145 and had a quick lunch. Nancy had just gotten home from an appointment with Dr Kutsche. Nancy was given a clean bill of health. I spent all afternoon cleaning my office. I dusted and rearranged all my storage spaces. I also threw away many useless things like old cell phones and TVs. At 1730 I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. It was great.

We watched the news and since I needed to get my 30 in I took a walk. It was very windy and dark. We watched NCIS and then at 2100 headed to bed.

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