Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday October 9, 2010

I am writing Saturday's blog from the comfort of my home office on Wednesday October 13, 2010. Saturday was the big day for Lucas's birthday party. Like every day we were in CA the weather was warm and the sky was blue. I started the day by walking to Starbucks for my morning coffee. I obtained a free two week subscription to the LA Times so I read the paper on my Kindle. I also bought Nancy a decaf coffee. After I got back to Steve's I tried not to get in the way.

I did take Alessandra for a long walk. She fell asleep after about 30 seconds in the stroller. Martha, Nancy, Veronica, Debbie and Steve were busy getting ready for the party. The party was to start at 1500. About 1400 Debbie and I headed to Costco to pick up the pizza. Steve had ordered eight pizzas. We also picked up another bag of ice.

At 1500 all the kids started to arrive. Steve had rented a jumper and every kid tried out the jumper. I had forgotten how noisy little boys can be. Star Wars was the theme of the party. Nearly all the kids had a costume. Every boy also had the light sword. The kids played real hard and I was amazed at their energy. Everyone talks about obese children. I did not see any overweight kids. Veronica was in charge of the games and she had everything from the limbo to a sack race. Prizes were given to all participants. The final game was the breaking of a piñata. All kids got a chance to break the piñata and it was not until the second round that the piñata broke and spilled all the candy on the grass. Paper bags were provided the kids to store their candy.

Of course what is a birthday without ice cream and cake. Every one sang Happy Birthday to Lucas and then tore into the cake and ice cream. I even had a big piece of cake and some ice cream. Nancy figured about 60 people were in attendance. About 1800 most everyone had left. Steve and I stacked all the rental chairs and broke down the tables. It was a great day and I hope when Lucas gets older he will appreciate all the work his mom and dad put into making this a great day.

P.S. Steve and I did watch the UM/MSU game. The birthday party cheered us up.

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