Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday October 28, 2010

My weird sleep patterns continue. I woke about 0200 and could not go back to sleep so I played several games on the itouch. At 0500 I woke and decided to take Ms P out. I also filled her food dish and drank my fiber drink and took an eye pill. I went back to bed at 0515 and slept to 0650.

It was misting when I headed to the MAC about 0730. It was also pitch black. Sunrise is at 0810. I can't wait for DST to end. I don't like pedaling in the dark. I increased my rowing time to 16 minutes without any noticeable pain in my shoulder. I hope by the end of next week to be back to rowing about 22 minutes. This was my time just before the face plant. I shaved this morning because I was beginning to look grubby. I normally shave about every three days. When I was in the Navy I shaved every day. I also shined my shoes every day. I think it has been about 3 months since I have shined any shoes.

It was still misting when I left the MAC. At the Kava House I read both the DFP and WSJ. I like the WSJ because there slant on the news agrees with my slant. Last night was the first game of the World Series and the SFG won. I did not watch the game. I seem to have lost all interest in professional sports. The Detroit Pistons lost their first game last night. Who cares?

I will be glad when the election is over. I did mail my ballot today. We had two state wide referendums on the ballot. I voted against both. I do not like referendums. We are a representative democracy and I think it is the job of elected official to decide all issues that are on most referendums. CA voters have approved several recent referendums that I think are stupid. I also don't like term limits. With term limits you have an inexperienced legislature resulting in bureaucrats running the show.

This afternoon I am checking our finances to see how we are doing. I think on paper we have improved since January. I finished checking and yes we have improved slightly since Dec 09.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had the French dip and a Founder's beer. Not much on TV so we headed to bed after reading the GRP.

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