Saturday, October 16, 2010

Monday October 11, 2010

Monday morning and today Nancy and I are babysitting Alessandra. We also are taking Lucas to school and picking him up. We had breakfast at McDonalds. It was an experience. After breakfast we drove to Lucas's school. I could not get over all the folks driving their kids to school. They had a mini traffic jam. Doesn't anyone walk to school.

After we left Lucas at school we drove to Huntington Beach. We put Alessandra into the stroller and walked along the pathway that parallels the beach. We did stop and took Alessandra's shoes and socks off so she could walk on the beach. She really enjoys the beach. In fact Grandpa also enjoys the beach. I told Nancy I would like to rent an apartment along the beach and spend my days riding along the miles of paved beach pathways. It was a perfect day to walk the beach. Sunny and warm.

After the beach we headed home to let Alessandra rest. About 1330 we headed out again to pick up Lucas from school. For an after school snack we stopped at the McDonalds and got an ice cream cone. We spent a quiet evening at home.

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