Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday October 3, 2010

Sunday morning and the alarm goes off at 0646. I get up take out Ms P and bring my laundry basket upstairs from the basement. We head for the MAC at 0745. The swimming pool was busy this morning and I had to share a lane. Nancy and I both swam for 45 minutes. Since we will not be in GR all week it was not necessary to go to Meijer's today. I dropped Nancy off and then headed to the Kava House to get us each a coffee. Nancy, of course, fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I took a short nap and Nancy ran some errands. After my nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. It is a beautiful fall day, sunny but cool. Missy and AJ skyped us this afternoon and we talked awhile. This afternoon I will check some calculations that Jennifer sent. Jennifer is spending a lot of time in Ann Arbor. Everyone who knows Jennifer and Phil are keeping a good thought. Yesterday on Jennifer's blog she posted a family photo. It was a great photo.

At 1630 Nancy and I are headed to Charlie's Crab for their Early Bird Special. We are meeting the Moleski's, Namey's and Tim Mask. It should be a good time. The evening at Charlie's Crab was great. We enjoyed the food and company. When we got home we watched some TV and at 2100 headed to bed.

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