Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday October 19, 2010

It was another 0700 morning. It got cold last night but did not freeze. Tuesday morning and the MAC was empty. Most folks are MWF types. It was forty when I left home and about 50 with bright sun when I left the MAC. I read both the WSJ and DFP. I will really be glad when the election is over. I am embarrassed by some of the attack ads. In fact I have given up watching MSNBC.

After lunch I called Comcast to see if they could get the remote to work. The operator was nice and we tried several codes but to no avail. She claims I have the wrong remote and must get a new one. Nothing is easy. I spent an hour trying to get my mail read and my desk clean. I was not been successful. At 1630 I said enough and went on a 3 mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork tenderloin. It was tasty. Nancy had a OHNA meeting tonight so Ms P and I watched NCIS alone. I have Breakfast Club tomorrow so as soon as Nancy got home I headed to bed. 0545 comes early.

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