Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday October 4, 2010

It is October 4, 2010 and Lucas A. Scott's birthday. Lucas is 5. I remember the date because it is 10-04 the CB call. I also remember because it is the fourth day of the month. Other family members with a 04 birthday are my mom, AJ and of course Lucas.

I slept in until 0705 this morning. It was quite cold and so I got out a pair of lined gloves to wear . I have also changed to a cold weather bike helmets. I was comfortable on my ride to the MAC. I was glad I wore my sunglasses because the sun was really intense as I rode east. My routine at the MAC went off without a hitch. When I left the MAC I headed home in order to have breakfast and take Ms P on a walk around the block. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House.

This afternoon I had to cut the grass. I started at 1400 and finished at 1700. I cannot finish in under 3 hours. I think I might have to cut the grass one more time this season. After my shower I checked my email and at 1800 headed downstairs for dinner. I had cereal for dinner.

Lucas called about 1830 to tell us that today is his birthday. He was on his way to Disney Land.

We watched the news, read the GRP and filled out a questionnaire about our recent river cruise. AT 2030 I headed upstairs to catch up on my blog.

In addition to Lucas's birthday there are several other happy events today. I was notified that Eric Rickert, an excellent fellow and engineer, and his wife, Meghan, now have a new baby girl. She is named Miah. Jennifer's blog indicated that Caleb had another good day. We wish all these youngsters good health.

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