Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday October 2, 2010

It rained hard last night. When I took Ms P out this morning I thought it might continue raining. I put on my rain coat and packed the rain pants in the backpack and pedaled to Bill's. It did not rain but it sure was cold. Bill's was very busy this morning. I had their Saturday Special and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I went upstairs to the office and starting cleaning up my desk. At 1130 I pedaled to the MAC and ran two miles on the track. This is the first time I have run 2 miles since the nose plant. I had no pain. I spent some time in the hot tub because I got very cold on my bike ride.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning my desk. I also got some fall clothes out and put away all my summer clothes. At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Grand Rapids Brewing Company to have dinner with the Molenaar's, Neal and Kay, and their daughter Ruth Ann. The Molenaar's use to be our next door neighbors but they moved to Washington State several years ago. Ruth Ann still lives in GR. We also invited the Kirkwood's and Tom Pritz but they could not make it. We had a great time catching up on what everyone was doing. We got home about 2000 and watched a little football on TV and then headed to bed.

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