Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

We all slept in until 0700 this morning. I think it is the change in weather especially the short days. It was pitch black at 0700. I had to use all my lights on my ride to the MAC. I completed all my morning routine by 1015. The Kava House was nearly empty this morning. I read the WSJ and DFP. I thought it was interesting that a large petroleum deposit was found off the coast of Israel. If developed it will meet Israel's energy requirements for 100 years. Of course Lebanon says that the deposit is also in their territory. The deposit is at the same depth as the recent oil spill in the Gulf. I think Israel will develop this find without any internal opposition. Israel needs energy independence.

After a quick lunch I load Ms P in the C2 and started to run some errands. Our first stop was the post office. Next we stopped at Comcast to return our bad remote and get a new one. They are now using a different model remote. The girl told me to read the instructions and put in the right codes. I followed directions and I still can't get the thing to work. I called their 1 800 number and was told the wait was real, real long. I will call tomorrow.

I was so frustrated trying to get the remote to work that I took a break. I walked 2 miles. This evening was cereal night. I had a bowl of raisin bran with yogurt. It was good. We watched the news and the 7-8 Fox new. At 2000 we watched House. I scanned the new Vanity Fair and saw several articles that looked interesting. Maybe tomorrow. We have frost warnings up for tonight. Fall weather is finally here.

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