Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday October 20, 2010

Wednesday, Breakfast Club day, and the alarm goes off at 0545. I take Ms P out and then get ready for the meeting. It was cool this morning so I wore a sport coat to the meeting. I got to the Women's City Club at 0650 and it was still pitch black. This morning's attendance was great. Maybe it was because everyone knew the food wood be good. We had an egg dish, hash browns, sausage, fruit, homemade scones and a yogurt with granola. It was very good.

After the meeting I headed directly to Comcast to get a new remote and two digital boxes for our upstairs TVs. I then came home and got Ms P and we headed to Best Buy to return the itouch boom box I bought last week. They gave me my money back no questions. I then bought a better boom box and hope this one will work. Nancy was home when Ms P and I arrived and she was heading out at 1230 to go to the gardens. She will also work at the dinner tonight so I am on my own for dinner. At 1115 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC and a swim. I swam for 30 minutes. My shoulder felt fine.

I had to be home by 1300 because the furnace man was stopping by to inspect our furnace. While waiting I got a call from Ed Namey. His wife is also working at the Meijer dinner and he asked if I wanted to get at pizza and beer for dinner. I never turn down a pizza and beer. While waiting for the furnace man I programmed the remote and it worked.

The furnace man spent about 30 minutes checking the furnace. He said everything is fine. This afternoon I put the storm windows on the back and side doors. I also removed the downstairs screens. We are ready for winter. Since I got up so early this morning I took a 30 minute nap. It is now 1618 and I am going on a 2 mile walk.

Dinner tonight with Ed is at 1800. I arrived at 1755 and Ed was already drinking his beer. I have never arrived before Ed. He is Mr Prompt. We talked, ate, and drank beer. It was a great evening out.

I got home about 1930 and Nancy got home shortly after I did. Missy skyped us and talked about a new organization she has founded. It is called Dream Prosperity. Missy explained how sad she was about all the children left behind in orphanages. She is proposing making personalized pillow cases for these children. The pillow cases belong to the child and hopefully follow the child through life. I recommend that folks go to the web site called "". It is a great concept.

Lately I have been reading Jennifer Dougherty's blog called "Dougherty Update". The blog details how the Dougherty family is dealing with little Caleb's health problems. Caleb was born with a congenital

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