Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday July 1, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0545 and I bounce out of bed because today is breakfast club. Today's program was put on by several members who are history buffs. They discussed the drama involved in getting the Declaration of Independence ratified. A short clip from the play "1776" was also shown. It was a good program.

After breakfast club I hurried home so I would be home when the AC man arrived. He checked our AC and said everything was ok for now. We have a compressor beginning to show signs of age and when it goes we will need a new unit. We should budget about $2500 for a new unit. It never stops.

It has been raining off and on all day. It is also quite cool for the first of July. High temperature is expected to be about 64. This is 16 degrees below normal. Since it was too wet for kayaking or biking I decided to go swimming. I swam 1050 yards in 30 minutes. After my swim I stopped by the 28th Street Meijer's to get some apples and yogurt.

This afternoon and evening I will try and get caught up on some reading. I will also try to figure out facebook. Today I got a facebook message from the sister of a high school mate of mine. She said her brother, Gary, wanted to know if I still had the green jeep. In 1956 I purchased a $1 raffle ticket from Gary on a jeep. I had ticket #13 and I won. The jeep was one of the reasons I was able to accomplish my big adventure in the summer of 1956.

July 1, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "spent morning in stores and afternoon at Tate and National Galleries, came home at 5 PM to rest, and in the evening went to see "Yellow Sands" ".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote it was a cloudy morning. He planted 40 boughauos (?) cabbage, drove to Scott's (my grandparents) with Laura, Mrs Brown, and the Mrs. GG worked in post office in afternoon. Hazel (my great grandmother or the Mrs) drove to Alpena and GG washed the car.

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