Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday July 13, 2009

Another super summer day, we had blue skies and sun all day. I eased off some on my morning routine because today is grass cutting day. I still visited the Kava House and read the DFP. The DFP seems to be getting smaller and smaller each day. Will we soon be reading newspapers on a Kindle like device?

Speaking of toys a Doctor friend at the MAC was showing me his fully developed Apple iPhone. He had google earth, email, itunes and a whole bunch of cool applications on his machine. I might have to get one.

Nancy and Mary N drove to Grand Haven to have lunch with a friend. It was a great day for a drive to the lake. After I completed my lunch I started mowing the grass. The grass was not very long so I don't know if my lack of exhaustion is because of my reduced exercise load or the short grass. Any way I finished the cutting is a little over two hours.

Tonight was cereal night. I had shredded wheat with strawberries. We also had some banana bread. We watched the evening news and I then started watching Chris Mathews but came upstairs because of all his whining. Are we being saturated with too much cable news? I have lost interest.

July 13, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Grandmother spent morning in Edinburgh and then went to Glasgow in the afternoon.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote he had Geo Kitten down and they sewed a 1/2 bushel of buckwheat and then dragged the field. GG was sick with summer chaliry (?).

Please note that I placed the July 13 entry, above, in my July 12 log. For July 12 GG took Sister and the Rauger girl to Alpena to get their hair done. It cost GG $2.30.

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