Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday July 25, 2009

Our house was cleaned yesterday and clean sheets were placed on all the beds. Nancy and I slept in the twin beds in Sasha's old room. I set the alarm for 0626. When it blasted off I woke up wondering where I was. It took several minutes to become oriented. As always on Saturday morning Nancy headed for the MAC and I headed for the Brandywine for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs.

The Flat River at South County Line Road was my destination today. I have not been on this section of the Flat this year. It is one of my favorite paddles. The weather man said that the rain had passed through. I started paddling upstream when it started to rain hard. However when I looked to the west it appeared to be clearing up. I paddled for about 15 minutes in heavy rain and then it just stopped and the sun came out. I did not see anybody for the first 2 hours but then several fishermen came floating downstream. They were fishing out of kayaks. This is the new rage in fishing. I paddled between the South County Line Road bridge and the River Road bridge. Both structures were designed by this writer. The journey took 2.5 hours up and 1 hour down. The current was quite swift today and I think the next time I try the Flat I will leave my retro bike at the take-out spot and leave the Aztek at the put-in spot. By doing this I can travel further and it will be all downstream. Actually the best thing I could do is find a friend who likes to kayak.

When I got home Nancy told me that the library had a Dutch Leonard book for me. I took a quick shower jumped on my bike and picked up the book. Tonight Nancy and I sat outside at Olga's Kitchen in Gas Light Village. The food was good.

We just got a call from SPS and he and the team have just landed in Chicago. They should arrive in GR about 11 PM. I will take a short walk and then read today's newspapers. I read so slow that I anticipate just finishing the paper when the company arrives.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and it rained all morning. GG took both cars for gas. He purchased 8 and 7 gallons on time. On time means that GG is running up a tab at the gas station and will be billed later. The was common for not only gas but groceries as well. This afternoon GG attended the funeral of a friend. He noted the church was full.

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