Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday July 17, 2009

We woke to a cool, dreary day and it continued to get cooler as the day progressed. Despite being Friday I was not as tired as I expected at the end of my morning routine.

I picked up a copy of the USA Today sports page and saw an article on the new inductees into the College Football Hall of Fame. One of the new inductees was Dave Parks of Texas Tech. In 1966 when Nancy and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA, we needed more room with the birth of Sasha. We moved from a 1 bedroom furnished apartment to a 2 bedroom furnished apartment. The recent occupant of the 2 bedroom was Dave Parks and family. Dave Parks at the time was a wide receiver for the 49ers. We always commented that he must have worn his cleats around the apartment because the furniture was in tough shape.

After lunch today I visited my friendly Ford dealer and started discussions on the purchase of a 2009 Ford Taurus vehicle. After tireless negotiations an agreement was reached. At 5 PM Nancy signed the papers and she was the owner of a new Ford.

This evening Nancy and I are staying home. We will load up the Aztek with all the bulk junk we want to throw away tomorrow. The OHNA is having its annual bulk pickup day.

July 17, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes aboard a ship heading from Scotland to the USA. Grandmother only commented that it was a nice day.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and GG stayed home all day. Hazel called and asked GG to work in post office forenoons this coming week. She is going to a Sunday school convention in Tawas. There was a county league baseball game this afternoon, Ossineke vs Herron. In earlier blogs I mentioned that great grandmother Sanborn's first name was Hazel. I do not know the last name of Hazel the post mistress.

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