Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday July 8, 2009

Wednesday, I love Wednesday especially when it is sunny, warm with no wind. After breakfast at the Brandywine I load up the kayak and head for White Lake which is north of Muskegon. I spent 1 hour paddling around the lake. They had a lot of boats moored along the shores. White Lake and its easy access to Lake Michigan must be a good spot to sail because there were a lot of anchored sailboats. After paddling among the boats I headed up the White River. I spent 2 hours on the river. The water was like glass and the reflections on the water were neat. At times it was difficult to tell the shore vegetation from the reflection.

I got home at 3:30 and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy has book club so Tom M and I are going out for pizza. Beer and pizza is the perfect way to end a nice summer day.

July 8, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes wrote the following: "went to Campbeltown, nice trip. Campbeltown, Scotland is the home town of Grandmother Hughes father, James McTavish. I am surprised that this is the only comment she made. Did she try to find any records of the McTavish family? Did she look up the family home? When I was a boy, Grandmother Hughes would talk to me for hours about her Scottish heritage but she only made a 5 word entry in her log when she visited her father's hometown.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm, muggy day. GG wrote that he started to dope the potatoes. (is dope a chemical?) He also hoed the squash. GG worked in post office in afternoon. GG also wrote "Preacher house cat perhaps came home. (?)

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