Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

We had some serious thunder boomers roll through last night. The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy gets up and heads for the MAC. I head for the Brandywine and breakfast. It was still raining when I went to breakfast but at 0900 the rain had ended and we had another beautiful summer day.

I loaded up the kayak and headed for the Kalamazoo River at New Richmond. I planned on paddling up the Kalamazoo looking for eagles. When I got to New Richmond the boat launch area was closed. Allegan County is improving the launch area. I head for Douglas and put my kayak in at the City's Riverside Park.

Today I used my lightweight kayak paddle. This is the first time this year I have used a kayak paddle versus at canoe paddle. Using my super duper GPS I determined that I can go 2.9 mph with the kayak paddle and only 2.3 mph with a canoe paddle. I like the feel of a canoe paddle but I might continue using the kayak paddle because it is more efficient. If I have no back pain tomorrow morning the kayak paddle wins.

It was a beautiful day for a trip around all the boats tied up in Saugatuk. This is the first time this year I have observed people on most of the boats. It was windy so a lot of the sailboats were heading out to the big lake. I noted that the price of gas in the marina was $3.50 per gallon. I told Nancy that I noted 3 houseboats for sale. She was unimpressed. I spent 3 hours on the water and paddled over 8 miles. Kayaking is a great way to spent a summer day.

When I got home I showered and took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's. We sat outside and had a great meal. After dinner we took a ride around town and looked at the new deck on the Wealthy Street Bridge and the progress made in demolishing the old OHHS.

July 11, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Today Grandmother took a suburban ride seeing Craigmiller Castle where the Scottish Historical Pageant was held.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Monday, cool, 60, and clear. GG worked in the garden on his corn and Julia planted some flowers in the morning. GG worked on the potatoes in the afternoon. He also picked some raspberries.

It is interesting to note that Grandmother is enjoying herself in Europe in 1927. Two years later, 1929, the stock market crashed and the Hughes family could never afford another trip to Europe. GG is writing is diary in 1938 which is in the midst of the depression. GG occupies his days growing food in his garden.

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