Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday July 10, 2009

Friday, I still slept in until 0630. Nancy had to get her own coffee. I think I will have to go back to setting the alarm clock. My morning routine was accomplished without a hitch. Today's DFP was all about GM getting out of bankruptcy. There was also an article about Congress trying to undo GM's decision to eliminate unprofitable dealers. The DFP said for Congress to buzz off. I agree. This afternoon I got a wimpy reply from my congressman on why he is supporting the bill in congress. I think he should retire.

Kim our cleaning person is back from hand surgery so I bugged out so she could work. I ran several errands. This afternoon has been cloudy and warm so I stayed indoors and read and worked on the computer. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Sundance. It was the first time we had been there is several months. The food was good.

July 10, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is difficult to read Grandmother's diary because she has not sharpened her pencil in several days. The best I can determine she took a 200 mile trip to the Highlands. She visited Loch Lomond, Rob Roy's Cave and the place he was buried. She also visited Sterling Castle and several other sites.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Sunday and the weather was cloudy with some rain. No baseball game. David was sick all of Saturday night. GG took a ride to visit some friends on US 23 south of Ossineke. Church in the evening with 20 in attendance.

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