Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I was really tired this morning. In fact I slept in until 0645. Nancy had already gone downstairs to get her coffee. I feel derelict in my coffee duty. I did perform my normal exercise routine without too much difficulty. It is very windy outside so I might go for a bike ride this afternoon instead of kayaking.

After lunch I decided that I would take a nap before a bike ride. After the nap I changed my mind again and took a 4 mile walk.

Nancy had to deliver some OHNA checks so we got in the Aztek and delivered them. We drove by the old OHHS and it is gone. An interesting fact about the demolition of the school is that homes across the street from the school can now see the afternoon sun. The removal of the tall building has let the sun shine through.

We spent a quiet evening watching TV and reading. I read an article in Vanity Fair about AIG and the credit default swap scandal. I am still amazed at how dumb smart people are.

July 7, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother is visiting her friend Maggie. They visited Burns home (Robert?) and they had tea.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm 80 degree day. GG picked bugs in the garden until 1100. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. He picked up several women for the church dinner.

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