Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday July 24, 2009

We woke up to heavy fog. The fog eventually burned off and it was a beautiful day. Today's exercise routine was normal for a Friday. I was glad when it ended because I am now taking 2 weeks off. I think it will be good for me. Kim, cleaning lady, was working today so I delayed my coming home by riding around Reeds Lake after the Kava House. At the Kava House I read an article about what Detroit's new mayor, Dave Bing, plans to do the get the city's fiscal house in order. He has a good plan but I do not think he can get it through. Too many entrenched interests will buck him. In fact he might have some difficulty getting reelected in November.

After lunch I decided it was too windy, again, to go kayaking so I loaded up the bike and headed for Riverside Park. I took a 15 mile ride. It was very relaxing. I am always amazed at how many folks my age use the park. Every time I visit I see people unloading their bikes and using the bike trail. A lot of people use the trail for a nice walk. So far the city has done a nice job maintaining the park. In these tough economic times I hope they can continue the good work.

After the ride I took a short nap. This evening Nancy and I attended the OHNA monthly TGIF. It was held this month in the back yard of 2 neighbors on Seminole. The attendance was great, the food was good and I enjoyed talking with our neighbors.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, cool Sunday. GG took David to a neighbors and GG attended the baseball game. Greely Grange defeated Ossineke, 5 to 3. In the evening GG attended church service. There were 7 people in attendance.

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