Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday July 28, 2009

The local weather man said that we had the possibility of showers while on Mackinac Island. I packed an umbrella for Nancy and a rain coat for myself. We caught the 1030 ferry to the Island. We rode the Arnold Line. It looks to me like they have converted their fleet to catamarans since the last time I used the service. The sun was out and LA, SPS and grandparents sat on the top deck. The trip was pleasant and fast. As we entered the harbor we noted a lot of sailboats. I think most of the boats sailed in the Port Huron to Mackinac race and were now celebrating their voyage.

The crowds on the Island were not as heavy as I have seen in the past. It probably has a lot to do with the economy. We took the carriage ride around the Island. The ride made several stops that were well timed for people travelling with young kids. It was a pleasant day for a carriage ride. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the wind was strong enough to dissipate any animal odors. After our carriage ride we walked around the downtown area and bought tee shirts and fudge. We caught the 4 PM ferry back to the mainland.

We ate at a Mackinaw City restaurant that served breakfast all day. The food was very good and prices reasonable. The trip back to Grand Rapids was very pleasant. All in all it was a great day. We have been blessed with great weather.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG had a busy day. He worked 2 1/2 hours in the garden in the morning and picked radish for the church. He worked in post office in afternoon. 1 1/2" of rain fell in the afternoon. There was a dinner at the church. GG noted that three tables were set up and 1 table was for the cooks. GG also mentioned that a Family Circle gathering was held at Mrs. Yakes.

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