Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday July 12, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I sleep through the first snooze. At 0745 we head for the MAC and our Sunday morning swim. The pool has just been cleaned so we were worried that it had not reached a warm temperature. Our worry was unfounded, the temperature was 80. After the MAC we head for Meijers and our Sunday shopping. We are stocking up for SPS and family when they visit. It is another warm, sunny summer day.

After breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read a few sections of the GRP and then take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. This evening Nancy is grilling outside. I am having both a hamburger and several hot dogs.

This weekend I have been catching up on my reading. I had issues of ENR and PC World that dated back to March. I am now caught up.

July 12, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Grandmother saw places in City, saw changing of guard at Holyrood Palace, John Knox house, Heart of Midlothian, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh Castle (wonderful view), High St and Cannongate, Princess Street and Garden, saw King and Queen again, Princess Mary and some Duke.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote he had Geo Kitten down and they sewed a 1/2 bushel of buckwheat and then dragged the field. GG was sick with summer chaliry (?).

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