Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday July 14, 2009

Yes folks, another nice, sunny and warm summer day. I had a very uneventful morning. Even the DFP did not provide any new scandals in Detroit. After lunch I had to run some banking errands. Since I have a few CD's (who wants to be in the stock market) they always seem to be coming due. Interest rates are at an all time low. The highest rate I could find was 2%. The expiring CD's had rates near 4%. I really don't think I should complain. After all I am not missing any meals.

This afternoon I resumed my search for a new car to replace Nancy's 7 year old Taurus. I stopped by the Pontiac, Chevy and Ford dealer. Tonight after dinner I took Nancy to the Chevy and Pontiac dealer. She was able to eliminate the Pontiac. It appears that we might choose between a Chevy Equinox and a Ford Taurus. Stay tuned.

Tonight is the baseball All-star game. I remember when I was a boy the All Star game was always played in the afternoon. One year my favorite player on the Tigers made it to the game. His name was Pat Mullin. I was working on my grandparents farm and so I could not listen to the game (no TV in Northern MI). My grandmother was a big baseball fan and she listened to the game. When I came in after cutting hay my grandmother let me know that Pat Mullins had hit a home run. The year was probably around 1953. For you fans that are checking the accuracy of my baseball facts, please note that I was completely wrong on Pat Mullin. He played in the 1948 All Star game and did not get a hit. So much for my steel trap mind.

July 14, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Glasgow, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes made no entry in her log today.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported they had heavy rain last night, 1/2 inch. The rain made the garden look good. He noted that the squash blossoms popped out. There was a church dinner this evening and GG had to pick up and take home several widow women.

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