Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday July 6, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0333. I get Tasha up so she and Ms P can get to Cleveland in time for work. Surprisingly, Tasha leaves at 0355. We enjoyed having her for the weekend. Nancy and I slept in until 0630. I had several chores to do this morning so I did not get to the MAC until 0930. I am usually well rested on Monday so I am not as wiped out after the workout as on Friday.

This afternoon I had a dentist appointment. They performed a cleaning and gum check. They claim my teeth are in ok shape. Monday is grass cutting day. I started about 4 PM and finished at 7 PM. I was wiped out. I decided that on days I cut the grass I will reduce the intensity of my morning workout by 1/3. Today is VRS's birthday. Nancy and I called and wished her a happy birthday.

July 6, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in England. Grandmother Hughes spent the night in Leamington. This is a spa resort NW of London. She departed in the morning for Ayr, Scotland and arrived in Ayr at 7:30 PM. After she arrived she went to see Maggie. Apparently, Maggie is a friend.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn and Julia worked in the garden in the morning, thinning veggies and picking bugs. GG worked in post office in the afternoon. Hazel (great grandmother) visited the Suells. GG left a light burning for her. Great grandmother was staying out late.

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