Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday July 9, 2009

I am going to have to change my ways. This morning I slept in until 0700. I was about an hour behind schedule. It must be summer vacation time because the MAC was empty this morning. I read an article in the DFP this morning that made me mad. After all of the politicians ranting and raving about how they would stay out of GM business, there is a bill that will rescind GM's decision to close unprofitable dealers. It was supported by my congressman. I am mad not only because of the meddling of congress but because as a GM stockholder I took my lumps. The free enterprise system is about risk and all dealers should know that. I will email my congressman this afternoon. After I complete my correspondence I will go on a short bike ride. It is another beautiful day in GR.

This evening Nancy and I sat outside at Great Lakes Shipping and listened to a folk/bluegrass local band. They were good. This evening is another quiet evening of reading and watching TV.

July 9, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Ayr, Scotland. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "took an auto ride with Maggie in the morning. In the afternoon went to Glasgow where Flora stayed". Grandmother then went to Edinburgh, arriving at 6 PM. At 7 PM she saw the King and Queen arrive, then took a ride to Queensberry to see Fourth Bridge.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great grandfather Sanborn worked in the garden today. Julia also worked in the morning. Hewey sprayed potatoes in the morning and Jim C finished spraying in the afternoon. Laura paid $6 and got ice for Ella. Had peas and potatoes from garden for dinner.

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