Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday July 20, 2009

Another cool July evening required that I put an additional blanket on the bed. I slept in until 0630. Since today is grass cutting day I took it easy on the exercise routine. I performed at 2/3 speed. After the MAC I had to stop at the bank to renew an IRA CD. The interest rate was about 1/2 of the expiring interest rate. I got to the Kava House at noon which is 1 hour behind my normal arrival. The DFP was very small and did not contain any articles of interest.

The grass was not very long so I lowered the blade a notch. The shorter grass should not be a problem because of the cool weather and the fact that rain is predicted every day this week. After cutting the grass and a shower, Nancy and I got in the new Taurus and ran several errands. We delivered Mary N's birthday present, bought some weed eater string at Home Depot and some supplies at Joan and Company.

Tonight was cereal night and Nancy washed some fresh Michigan blueberries to put on our frosted flakes. We watched the news and they showed the 1969 moon landing. I remember watching the moon landing. Nancy and I along with Sasha and Tasha had spent the weekend at a friend of my mother-in-laws cottage on Lake Michigan. We had just arrived home and I watched the landing on an old Admiral TV with rabbit ears. Our color TV was being repaired.

The pictures of the space capsule reminded me of my experience helping with one of the first Mercury orbital missions. I was stationed on Midway Island as a young Ensign in the Civil Engineering Corps of the US Navy. The space capsule landed in the Pacific Ocean a short distance from Midway. The capsule was picked up by helicopter and taken to a waiting US Aircraft Carrier (Kersage?). A tug left Midway Island and the capsule was loaded on the tug and brought back to Midway Island. Ensign Scott's Division of CB's was assigned to pick the capsule off the tug, load it on a trailer and then transport and load it on a waiting cargo plane. We were told over and over again, do not drop it, it is very valuable cargo and everybody is watching you. Our mission went off without a hitch. All the guys had on their dress whites and had even shined their shoes. I was very proud. I think a picture of us loading the capsule was in the next edition of Life magazine.

July 20, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes on a ship traveling from Scotland to the USA. Grandmothers only comment was that it was rainy.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG reported heavy rain last night. GG estimated 1/2 inch. Report said that Alpena got 1/10 inch and Hillman got no rain. Church dinner tonight and receipts were $11.

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