Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday July 31, 2008

Every once in a while we all have a day like today. Today was the day I was going to follow the Lake Michigan shore line on the Hart-Montague Trail.

First I would have a big breakfast at the Brandywine. I got in the car and it would not start. The battery was dead. I called the Pontiac dealer and he sent a tow truck. The car was stuck in park and I could not get it out of the garage. The tow truck would need a battery pack to get power to the car so we could at least get it out of park.

While waiting for the tow truck I decided to move Nancy's car out of the way. Nancy's car would not start its battery was also dead.

The tow truck people got my car started but I could not drive it because a battery terminal was broken and spewing battery acid all over the engine. They loaded the car and headed for the Pontiac garage.

I decided that while I was waiting I would pedal my retro to the "Village Bike Shop" on the corner of 60th and Kalamazoo. This is an easy 8 mile trip. I would travel on the sidewalks all the way. About 52 Street I encountered construction and had to drive through some loose gravel and sand. The retro was doing quite well until I hit a bad spot and Bob and the retro took a tumble. I brushed myself off and continued on my way. On my way home my brakes seized up. I noted that the brake connection to the back wheel had come off. This had probably caused by tumble.

So I continued back home with no brakes. After a mile my back wheel came loose. Luckily I had a wrench and tightened the wheel.

I pedalled to the dealer picked up my car and left $300. Loaded the bike and got it repaired at the Fulton Street Lawn Mower and Bike Repair shop. Rented a battery charger and got Nancy's car started. Every thing is back to normal.

Tomorrow I will travel the Hart-Montague Trail.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow. That day was ruled by Murphy's Law!!

I hope I don't jinx it and get a day like that. I haven't had one of those days in eons and would like to keep it that way!

Glad all ended well for you and that the tumble was minor.

Anonymous said...

Oh man what a day - it all happens at once doesn't it. There are some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

I'm glad you weren't hurt and everything is back to normal. How weird that both cars had dead batteries - what are the odds of that.