Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday August 1, 2008

I made a mistake last night and did not turn the AC on. It was hot and humid.

For breakfast I pedalled to the Cheri Inn. I determined that all the people in the place before 0800 are over 85. However, breakfast was great. Pineapple upside down pancakes with eggs.

Loaded the road bike into the Aztek and headed to Montague. I rode the Montague-Hart trail with no problems. Total mileage = 45. This is the longest bike trip of my life. Trails that were old RR grades are great. They are flat.

For dinner I pedalled my retro to Marie Catrib's. Had a salmon sandwich, it was great. For the week that Nancy has been gone I have eaten out 2 times a day. All my trips to the eateries has been by bike.

Tomorrow Nancy comes home and it is back to normal. What is normal for a retired person?


Anonymous said...

I'd take your 'normal' in your current daily life over mine anyday!

Anonymous said...

I second melissa's comment - I would totally take your "normal" over mine any day.