Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday August 19, 2008

No rain today. While drinking coffee and reading my paper at the Kava House I noted for the 2nd day that Obama volunteers were interviewing folks to help with the campaign. The Obama people were very organized. I have never seen a campaign this organized. All the Obama folks were under the age of 30. If people under age 40 vote the election will be a land slide.

This afternoon was dedicated to running errands. I had to get my bride a birthday present. Stopped at Target to get some trail mix for our trip to Alpena. Also had to stop at the office to run some copies for the neighbor hood association.

I also checked out the price for XM radio. The XM radio will be for Cousin Peg. Today is Peg's birthday so I called. I mentioned to cost of XM radio and she gave me the go ahead.

The Olympics consume our evening viewing hours. I watch TV between 7 and 9. It is now 9:39 so I am signing off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you sign up as a volunteer?