Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday August 3, 2008

Another warm and sunny day. I almost want a rainy day so I can play on my computer without feeling guilty.

Started the day with our Sunday morning swim. Nancy still has jet lag and only swam 30 minutes. I swam 45 minutes (1500 yards). The new pool chemicals are great. I can swim with no nose problems.

We had a lot of groceries to purchase at Meijers. I also returned 80 bottles for refund and filled Nancy's car with gas ($3.82 per gal).

I had Nancy's world famous poached eggs on toast for breakfast. After my afternoon nap we went to Costco. Nancy got some pictures printed from her LA trip. All the pictures had LA in them. We also went to Staples for supplies. The place was crowded with the back to school crowd.

We are having grilled steak with baked potatoes for dinner. I hope I spelled potato correct. How come my spell check does not alway work?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow $3.82 for gas - that's great. We are still paying $4.30 here in Northern CA.