Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday August 18,2008

We need rain. I thought I would never complain about too much sun.

Today was a back to normal day. I did my daily exercise routine. I did ask a trainer at the MAC about my dead lift exercise. He stated I was doing everything right and agreed that if an old guy does only 1 weight lifting exercise it should be the dead lift. I currently am lifting 100 pound and doing 3 sets of 5. The trainer recommended I get up to 3 sets of 10 and then increase the weight. I gradually will increase the reps to 10 but will not increase the weight. 100 pounds is enough.

The afternoon I ran some errands. I picked up my "go to meeting" shirts at the laundry, got a battery for the Nike stop watch that Tasha got me and replenished some items for my dopp kit.

After it cooled off I mowed the lawn. Even with my new electric mower it still takes 2-3 hours to cut the grass.

Tomorrow I have to purchase some items to take on our trip to Alpena. I also have to figure out how to get my kayak on top of the car.

This morning I did not set my alarm and got up at 0608. My alarm usually goes off at 0535. I was well rested and set a PB on my rowing machine. Tonight we watched the Olympics. I like track but do not like gymnastics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

usa women won gold in the 8.