Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday August 30, 2008

The last Saturday of summer. Every Saturday I purchase a NY Times. Much to my surprise the price has gone up to $1.50. No more NY Times.

I loaded up the kayak and headed for Sauatuck to paddle around the harbor and look at all the boats. I did not see much activity. Maybe it was because the cost of gas was $4.69 per gallon. I did note that a lot of people appear to be using their boats as a motel. They were spending the weekend on board but did not leave the harbor.

When I got home Nancy mentioned that Circle Theater had tickets half price for the play "Tuesday at Morrie's". We purchased the tickets and saw a very good play. It was very heavy but the word play and acting were good. It was a great way to spend a warm summer evening.

I did watch a part of the M game. They were not very impressive.

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