Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday August 2, 2008

It is Saturday already, Nancy comes home. I had breakfast at the Brandywine. Instead of my usual pancakes and eggs I had the corn beef hash and eggs. I was hungry by 1200. My grandfather always said that pancakes were the best food for breakfast. When he had lumbering camps in Mn he would always have the cooks make pancakes. The lumberjacks could have as many as they wanted. Grandfather said that this breakfast stuck with the lumberjacks and only a sandwich at lunch was needed. It has been my experience that indeed pancakes stick with me the longest. A good pancake breakfast lasts until 3 PM.

I picked up Nancy at 1015. Her red eye flight from LA to Clev was smooth and she slept through the movie. She had coffee with Tasha in Clev.

In the afternoon I put my 15' kayak in the GR at West River Road. I was trying to see if I fixed the rudder in a permanent position if it would allow easier paddling with a canoe paddle. The trial was a failure. I unfixed the rudder and everything went smooth.

For dinner Nancy and I went to GL Shipping. It good having Nancy home.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm pancakes stick with you better than oatmeal?

Anonymous said...
