Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fri-Sun, August 15-17, 2008

Friday 15AUG08: After my morning routine I headed for Lakewood, OH. On the way I stopped at Capella's in Durand, MI. The parking lot and store was jammed. I don't see what the attraction is to this store. LL Bean and MC have the same items at the same cost.

Tasha and I had dinner at Sullivan's. We both had the corn beef and cabbage. Later we watched the Olympics. MP's victory in the butterfly was amazing. When you are on a roll you are on a roll.

Saturday 16AUG08. After a big breakfast Tasha had to meet a friend so I loaded up her kayak and headed for the Rocky River. I paddled upstream for about a 1/2 mile until the water got too shallow. I headed for Lake Erie. On my way to the Lake I observed all the big boats in the harbor. Also noted all the nice homes along the River and inlets. The economy might be bad but you could not prove it by what I saw along the shores of the Rocky River. Lake Erie was very rough so I did not venture too far out.

When Tasha got home we saddled up our bikes and went on a 24 mile trip on the Metro Park trail. We saw a doe and her fawn feeding along the trail and later 2 bucks with full racks. It was a great bike trip. We had a burger at the West End Taveren. We finished a great day by watching the Olympics.

Sunday 17AUG08. After a good breakfast we stopped at a local grocery and got some world famous cheese to bring home to Nancy. Also stopped at Trader Joe's and got some tomato soup, $2 chuck and cookies. The trip home was uneventual. My mileage was 25.9 mpg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm I'm wondering if the cookies made it home or if they were all eaten along the way :)