Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday August 27, 2008

Today is Nancy's birthday. Of course the day was warm and sunny.

This afternoon I had a 2 PM GRBA meeting. The meetings are usually the third Wednesday of the month at 0900, but had to be rescheduled. Meetings in the middle of the day sure put a crimp in your activity schedule.

After the meeting I put the kayak in Reeds Lake and spent an hour paddling around the lake. Time on water is very relaxing.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we headed for the soft ice cream store at Michigan and Fuller. Nancy had her annual small cone. I had the medium.

Being her birthday it is only fair that Nancy gets the clickee. We watched Bones and Criminal Minds.

Last week I wrote a letter to the Green Well eatery that their gift card had short changed me by $18. They replied and gave me a new $50 card. It pays to stand up.

My experiment with not setting my alarm seems to be working. I wake up refreshed. However, I do go to bed later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It DOES pay to take a stand!

You need Petunia as your alarm clock.