Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday August 28, 2008

The weather man said it would rain today. It hasn't so far (10:40 PM).

I set a PB on the rowing machine for 5K. I will post it on the Concept web site.

This PM I priced an XM radio for cousin Peg. Best buy has the best price. I was disappointed in Sears and Radio Shack.

Tonight Nancy and I met the Linda and Tom Moleski at the ball park to watch the GR White Caps get creamed, 12-1. We did enjoy the pork chop sandwich and $2 beer. Nancy did not partake of the beer. They had a good crowd at the ball game. I was surprised because tonight is the start of high school football. BO also was to give his acceptance speech and the Lions were on TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. no mercy ruling in baseball.

i looooved barack's speech.

Congrats on your PB!!