Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday August 8, 2008

08/08/08 that is all everyone talks about. How about 07/07/07 or 05/05/05? Today is Mary Helen's birthday. I called and we talked about her advanced age. Helen says it has been cold and wet in Gaylord. In GR it has been warm and sunny.

The painter for the new windows arrived at 0800 and he finished all work. The windows look great. Monday I will pick up the drapes and curtains from Master Cleaners and then we can put all the furniture back.

Friday afternoon I took my 15' kayak and put in the Grand River at Johnson Park. I paddled upstream to the Plaster Creek outlet. Total time on the water = 2.5 hours.

Last night Nancy and I met the Nameys at the Green Well for dinner. The food was good but when I gave them my $50 gift card with $18 remaining they said no money remained. I have not yet figured out how to get my full use of the card. Perhaps I will have to start writing letters?

We left the Green Well and had dessert at the Nameys. It was good.

When we got home the opening ceremonies for the Olympic games were still on. China put on a great show.

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