Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday August 11, 2008

Yes folks it was sunny and cool. However, it was also a typical Monday. We had a bulb burn out in our new backroom ceiling light. I have never changed this light so I did not know how to get the globe off. After much searching I decided that the connection was hinged. I was wrong and thus I broke one of the three connections. I also did not have a halogen bulb.

My next job was to hang the curtain brackets. After a close inspection I found that the existing brackets would not work with the new windows. Another trip to the store.

I did wash the outside surface of five new windows. Then I decided to cut the grass. Cutting grass like shoveling snow are two thing I can do satisfactorily.

Nancy and Karen H drove to Lansing to have lunch with my sister and Mary Ellen. A good time was had by all.

Tonight is an Olympic watching night. I would like to see some rowing and weight lifting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see some rowing too!