Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Auguat 31, 2008

Yes folks it is the last day of August. Summer is over. Today was a warm sunny day.

Nancy and I started the day with our 45 minute swim. After the swim we headed for Meijers for our weekly grocery purchases. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

This evening we went had a picnic with the Ed and Mary Namey, Linda and Tom Moleski and Tim Mast at the viewing area of the airport. It was very enjoyable. Ed Namey knows all the different types of airplanes and he pointed out the differences between the Airbus and Boeing planes.

Tomorrow bright and early Nancy and I are going to participate in the GR bridge walk. A 5 mile walk over 7 bridges in downtown GR. The weather is suppose to be nice. On Tuesday we will start our fall routine. I will spent some time getting prepared for my seminar at UM and Nancy will continue her many volunteer activities.

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