Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday September 1, 2008

Labor Day 08. Nancy and I got up at 0630 and headed downtown for the 5 mile GR bridge walk. It is a good walk along the Grand River and across 7 bridges. GR has made a good effort in building parks along the river bank. Also partaking of the river walk were the Obermeyers, Skip and his wife. We also chatted with the mayor, George Heartwell.

After the walk Nancy and I went to IHOP for a pancake breakfast. This afternoon I put my kayak in Reeds Lake for a quick trip. The water was very rough because of all the water skiers and jet skis.

After the kayak I cut the the back yard grass and Nancy got out the grill and grilled some steak. While eating dinner we noted 3 kids running through our back yard. We yelled at them and they ran between our house and Callaways. Several minutes later I noted some neighbors on the sidewalk in front of our house. Apparently the kids were seen running with a TV. The police were called and responded with tracking dogs. We do not know if they were caught.

Tonight we were going to watch the GOP convention but it seems Gus upstaged the GOP. Nancy is watching the Closer.

Today the temperature got to 88. We had blue skies all day. We are debating if we should turn the AC on. The morning temperatures lately have been in the comfortable 50s. Oh such big decisions.

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