Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday September 6, 2008

Up at 0630 and I head for the Brandywine for breakfast. I did not buy my newspaper at Gaslight Village because today is the Reeds Lake Tri. The traffic and congestion would probably be terrible. Tasha can remember this race.

After breakfast I head for Barry County and put the kayak in Crooked Lake. I selected a lake because the recent heavy rains the would make the rivers too wild. Crooked Lake was nice but very shallow and weedy.

When I got home, Nancy informed me that I had 2 calls regarding my ad in the GR Press for the sale of my big kayak. I called the first caller and he stopped by and bought the kayak. Who needs Craig's List.

I decided to sell the big kayak because it was too long for the Aztek. It also weighted about 20 pounds more than my small kayak. Having only 1 kayak will simplify my life.

I have been experimenting with using PP. DLS gave me some ideas on using excel and other software. I hope to have the presentation put together early next week. I will ask the city of GR if I can dry run my talk using their projector.

Nancy grilled a steak for dinner. We were going to watch the US Open but it was rained out. Instead we watched "Law and Order".

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