Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday September 11, 2008

Today was a bright sunny day just like in 01. I can still remember watching the Today show when they announced that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. Everyone thought it was a small single engine plane. It was a sad day.

September 11 in 2008 was a good day for me. I followed my normal morning routine. When I got home Nancy wanted to make a trip to Costco. So off we went. I purchased gas for the Ford. Gas was $2.80 per gallon. I also needed some beer so I bought a case. A case at Costco can be either 18, 24 or 28 bottles. I bought 18 bottles of Bud Lite for $10.99. For lunch I had a Costco hot dog.

The afternoon was spent working on my PP presentation. I think I am ready. I will have to print out enough handouts for all students. Since Nancy and I went out Wednesday night and will be going out Friday and Saturday night, we decided to stay home tonight. I did watch a portion of the Beverly Hills Hillbillies. I thought it was funny. Nancy went to bed. No accounting for taste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sept. 11 is, sadly, a day that follow us for the rest of our lives. i still get choked up when i remember that day 7 years ago.

is that a typo? 2.80 for gas? did you mean 3.80?