Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday September 7, 2008

It rained most of the night. Nancy and I got up at 0700 and at 0730 headed for the MAC for our Sunday morning 45 minute swim. The pool was crowded but we did not have to share a lane. After the swim we headed for Meijer's at Knapp Corner. We must have been low on supplies because the number of bags was much larger than normal. In keeping with the green theme we have purchased reusable bags (2). However, we purchased so much today that we had 3 extra plastic bags. Horrors!

After Nancy's world famous poached eggs, I had to take a nap. Nancy had to work at the Hospital Gift Shop. The sun was shining when I awoke and so I went kayaking on Reeds Lake. Now that I found the kayak only launch site it is very easy to get in and out. Also since I sold my big kayak I did not have to make a decision on what kayak to use. This simplification is very important for us older gentlemen.

I have been playing with PP for my presentation. I found the online site and it appear helpful. Tomorrow I must take the Aztek in to get air in my nitrogen filled tires. I probably will need a new muffler.

I'm glad the spell check is working because I make a lot of spelling errors. 59 days left in the silly season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

am not looking forward to winter.