Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday September 20, 2008

Summer is going out with a bang. Today was sunny and warm. After breakfast I loaded the kayak and headed for Gun Lake in Barry County. When I got to the boat launch nobody was around.

I got on the lake about 1030. The water level was high. I paddle around until I found a creek that empties into the lake. Normally I can't go upstream on the creek because the water is too low. Today the creek was in flood stage. I paddled upstream about 45 minutes. It was great. Cattails and reeds were over my head and the channel was only about 3' wide. The creek meandered all over the place.

When I headed back to the launch the lake was crowded. A lot of jet skis were on the lake. Jet skis should be outlawed. The parking lot was loaded with pickups with boat trailers. I guess every one was out for 1 last ride before cold weather.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Russ's for a bowl of soup and hamburger. We have to get to bed early because the taxi is coming at 0400. I will be off the air until I return. Stay tuned.

Spell check worked the first time but then I added a paragraph and it did not check the new paragraph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have loads of fun!