Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday September 10, 2008

Today was my easy day. I left early to get in the pool before the old folks arrive for water aerobics. I left at 0700 and it was cold and dark. I do not have a light on my bike but as the days shorten I will need one.

I did get my swim in before the old folks arrived. After the swim I had breakfast at the Omelet Shop. The oatmeal was good but the people working there are all graduates of rudeness school (magna cum laude).

I worked from 1ooo to 1500 on my PP. I think that I am muddling my through the programming. Everything seems to be working or easily correctable. Watching how young engineers learn software has helped. No manual just try everything.

At 3 PM I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and I finished reading the Time article on BO. It was very interesting and unbiased.

Tonight was pizza night for Ed, Tom and Bob. We talked about football, travel and of course politics. We all are trying to get a handle on BO and JM. I do not know how I would vote if the election were today.

Nancy said the book club meeting was great. She went to bed early and I am still awake writing this silly blog. Since I initiated my no alarm clock routine, I stay awake longer. Is this good or bad?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no alarms is a good way to live. i, however, have petunia has an alarm. there's nothing wrong with staying up later. it's kind of nice to enjoy life at all hours. how many times in the past 10 year have you actually 'witnessed' 10 or 11pm?

i think barack is definitely looking tired. i wonder if he sort-of, kind-of regrets not choosing hillary as a running mate. that fact alone made me start to listen to what jm has to say.