Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday September 3, 2008

Ah Wednesday, I love Wednesday it is my easy day. I slept in until 0600 and then pedalled to the MAC for a 1000 yard swim. After the swim I had breakfast at the Cheri Inn.

In the afternoon I visited the office to download some material for my upcoming seminar. I have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. I hope to be able to use the city of GR projector to dry run my dog and pony show. Nancy and I also watched the PowerPoint presentation that DLS prepared for my 70th. It was great and brought back so many nice memories.

After the office I went for a 3 mile walk. Because Nancy and I go out on Thursdays, tonight was cereal night.

We are presently switching between the US Open and the GOP convention. I do not know if I can stay awake to listen to the VP acceptance speech.

I just did a spell check and it works. Last night the spell check did not work. How come?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blogger is weird. sometime it works perfectly, other times not.