Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday September 15, 2008

The rain has stopped. This morning it was very cool. Nancy and I did not go to the MAC today because Nancy had to have an old persons test today. I had mine several months ago. Everything was okay.

This afternoon I visited the city engineer's office. GR let me use one of their projectors to dry run my PP presentation. It was time well spent. I finally found out that the projector is just another monitor. I was able to open my CAD software and have a drawing projected on screen. I am all set for Thursday.

After the city I went to Meijers to buy some supplies for Nancy and Bob. We don't need much because we are leaving at the end of the week. I also stopped by the PO to have the mail stopped while we are gone.

The only exercise I got was a 3 mile walk. I enjoyed not exercising because I think I might be coming down with a cold.

Tonight Nancy is watching the final show of the "Closer". We also watched all the news on Wall Street's problems. You would think that people making mega millions could manage money better. How come spell check does not work on this blog?

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