Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday September 18, 2008

The weather gal said it was going to be cool and sunny all day. She was right.
Today is my big day at the UM. I performed a shortened workout schedule so I could get on the road early.

I drove into the UM parking lot a 1200. I was 3 hours early. I met with the secretary and she provided me with a parking pass and directions to the North Campus Commons. I had lunch at the Commons. When I was at UM, North Campus did not exist. Everything is new. I had the opportunity to tour the civil engineering facilities. I was impressed. The campus is kind of sterile becuase all the buildings look the same but the labs and computer rooms are great. The computer labs have 24" monitors with the latest software. All the software is the current version.

My class has 11 students (9 men, 2 women). Nine are working for a masters and 2 are phd candidates. The students were all in attendance. The classroom was wired and all I had to do was plug in my laptop. Of course I asked a student for help in getting started.

The class was suppose to run from 3-4:30. I started at 3 and at 4 asked if they wanted a break. They said no and I continued until 4:25. I think it went well. I might have covered too much materail at one time, but who knows on a first time endeavor. I expect to get some feed back soon.

I got back home at 7:30. I spent a lot of time getting prepared but I enjoyed the experience.

My spell check did not work. It seems to not work whenever I change the font after I have typed some words. Is this possible?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! sounds like a great time was had at your old stomping grounds.

i have no idea how spell check works - it's on one day, off another. go figure