Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday September 17, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. I got out of bed at 0620 and headed for the pool at the MAC. I have to get in the pool before 0730 in order to get a lane. At 0800 all the old folks arrive for their water aerobics class.

I drove the Aztek because I had a GR Building Authority meeting at 0900. The GR Building Authority has 2 new projects. Both projects are parking structures and each will cost $11,000,000. Did you know that in GR it costs $26,000 for each parking space. One of the parking structures is interesting because a liner building will be attached to two sides of the parking structure. The liner building will contain office spaces, apartments and condos. The city will own the parking garage and a private company will own the liner building.

This PM I had an appointment with Dr Mary my skin doctor. She froze (freon) several basal cell areas and took a slice of skin below my eye for testing. I asked if this is serious and she said no and to stop my whining. She did give me some free samples (lotion) for my chapped hands.

Tomorrow I have to give my seminar. I called UM to get directions and a parking pass. The secretary assured me that a projector and all other visual aids are in the room. It will be interesting.

Today I also mailed LA's birthday present. I have a memory aid for his birthday it is 10-4.

I also talked to Tasha. I told her I will visit in October and we can go tavern hopping.

Today was warm and sunny. Is it too early for "Indian Summer"?

My spell check worked. Why today and not yesterday? Gas is $4.19 per gallon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't a clue what a liner building is but I'm glad the doctor told you to stop your whining. ;-)

October is our big clam bake month.

Looking forward to hearing how your presentation went.