Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday August 6, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. During the winter I do 1/2 of my normal exercise routine and instead of running I go swimming. In the summer I only kayak or bike.

I slept in to 6 AM and then I got on the retro and headed to the Cheri Inn for pancakes and eggs. I also read the Detroit Free Press.

Today the new windows were delivered. The contractor did not tell us the time of delivery. I just got home when the phone rang and the windows were to be delivered in 15 minutes.

While waiting for the windows I assembled my new electric trimmer/edger. I trimmed and edged the lawn. The machine works great.

I decided to kayak Spring Lake today. I got on the water at 1400. Spring Lake has a lot of beautiful homes on large lots. The economy in Detroit might be on the rocks but on Spring Lake the number of beautiful new large homes was impressive. I think Spring Lake has more fancy homes than Reeds Lake in East Grand Rapids. I spent 3 hours on the lake.

The price of gas in Spring Lake was $3.64 per gallon. Has the bubble burst?

I will repeat my plan for the USA.
  • Drill, drill, drill. The country was made great my using our resources. My grandfathers never saw a tree they did not want to cut down.
  • Place a $40 a barrel tax on imported oil (except Canada and Mexico).
  • Bring back the draft.
  • Get out of all foreign countries including Japan, Korea and Germany.
  • After 2 years of military service a 4 year college education is awarded.
  • Start disposing of nuclear waste in Nevada. The hell with Harry Reid.
  • Divide CA into 2 states. I am still thinking about this one. Do we need another Senator Boxer or Respresentative Waxman?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still have a problem with 2 years of military service = free college. Especially since you said to get out of foreign countries. what the heck will the military people be doing for those two years?

Here are my ideas:
1. legalize prostitution.
2. legalize drugs
3. abolish affirmative action
4. heavily tax and fine pharmaceutical companies. they are so corrupt to begin with.
5. drinking age should equal voting age which should equal draft age.
6. for the next 10 years, all monies currently earmarked for public sculptures, etc. to be re-directed toward public schools.